Skadden Fellows

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 05.15.17

* "When the founders wrote the Declaration of Independence, they invoked our creator four times, because in America we don't worship government we worship God." Guess who was awarded an honorary law degree this weekend? It was none other that President Donald Trump, who delivered the commencement address at Liberty University on Saturday morning. [The Hill; TIME] * The Pink Ghetto (Partner Edition)? A Proskauer Rose partner has filed a $50M gender bias suit against the firm, claiming she was not only paid less than male colleagues, but that she was "overtly objectified based on her sex" when a fellow partner allegedly "made inappropriate comments regarding her appearance, body, clothing, or 'sexiness'" on numerous occasions. [Am Law Daily] * Tarra Simmons has quite the résumé: she's a convicted felon and former drug addict who also happens to be the recipient of a prized Skadden fellowship. Unfortunately, she may not be able to practice law thanks to a recommendation from the Washington State Bar Association’s Character and Fitness Board that she be denied bar admission. She plans to appeal. [Northwest Public Radio] * Walter "Chet" Little, a former Foley & Lardner partner, has been arrested on insider trading charges that stem from his time at the firm. Soon after finding out about the nature of the charges, Bradley Arant Boult Cummings, his current firm, politely showed him the door. If convicted, Little will likely face quite the lengthy prison term and a fine of up to $5 million. Ouch. [WSJ Law Blog] * "There was never a question of whether I was going to go to law school or not. It was just when I was going to go...." Chris Carr, a former cornerback for the Baltimore Ravens, is set to graduate from GW Law School this weekend. He'll be taking the California bar exam this summer, but he recently accepted a job offer at an immigration law firm in Virginia. Congratulations! [Washington Post]

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 03.03.17

* Nixon Peabody's profits per partner are up. You know what that means... everyone's a winner at Nixon Peabody! [Am Law Daily] * Apparently House Republicans are drafting the Obamacare repeal in the Room of Requirement. [Slate] * Mike Pence faces some harsh criticism amid reports that as governor he used private email for state business and got hacked, but you're missing the real story of how this humanitarian really wanted to help that Nigerian prince. [Indianapolis Star] * "At best, unprofessional" isn't the ideal ceiling. [ABA Journal] * JP Morgan whistleblower wants a new judge. The key to this story is seeing Judge Sweet described as "snarky." [Law360] * Sitting down with the newest leaders in Biglaw. [] * A profile of one of 2017 Skadden Fellow Tarra Simmons from Seattle University Law, who spent 20 months in prison for drug offenses and plans to work on prisoner re-entry issues. * Gavin Grimm has drawn support from 53 companies who all know how to properly caption a filing. [National Law Journal]

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 12.12.16

* Duncan Lloyd, the Philadelphia assistant city solicitor who spray-painted "F*ck Trump" on a building while wearing an ascot and holding a glass of wine, will be able to keep his job after completing 40 hours of community service. We're sure many Americans feel that he has already completed his community service through his actions. [Philadelphia Inquirer] * Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who took a leave of absence from Greenberg Traurig to support Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump through the end of the election, has removed his name from consideration for any position in President-elect Trump's administration (but only after reportedly being offered three other positions that he didn't want). He'll now be returning to his law firm. [ABC News] * The struggling European and Middle East arm of King & Wood Mallesons has received "a number of indicative purchase offers" from other law firms. Biglaw behemoth Dentons is rumored to be a potential merger partner for firm's EUME branch, with DLA Piper and Greenberg Traurig ready to make lateral offers to partners. [Big Law Business] * Just because your law school isn't one of the best in the nation, it doesn't mean that you can't dream big. Case in point: The most recent winners of the prestigious Skadden public interest fellowships has been announced, and two of them will graduate from CUNY School of Law. We'll have more on the new Skadden Fellows later. [Skadden] * Dislike? A woman who wanted to serve her estranged husband with divorce papers via Facebook has been denied by a judge who noted that the social networking profile had been inactive for two-plus years, writing that to allow service would be "akin to the Court permitting service by nail and mail to a building that no longer exists." [WSJ Law Blog]


Morning Docket: 01.02.14

* In his year-end report, Chief Justice Roberts politely asked Congress to make it rain on the federal judiciary in fiscal year 2014, because “[t]he future would be bleak” without additional funding. [Reuters] * Utah finally asked for Supreme Court intervention in its quest to stop gay couples from marrying, but Justice Sotomayor wants a response from the other side before she weighs in. WWSSD? [BuzzFeed] * Perhaps Justice Sotomayor saw the humor in this: she just gave a group of nuns a temporary reprieve from having to give out birth control to a bunch of women who have taken vows of chastity. [Bloomberg] * Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego Steven Davis? Oh boy, Dewey have some news for you! The failed firm’s former chairman is now the chief legal representative for Ras al Khaimah in the United Arab Emirates. [WSJ Law Blog] * “The Second Amendment does not preclude reasonable regulation.” A judge upheld the majority of New York’s new gun laws as constitutional. Opponents are ready to lock and load on appeal. [New York Times] * Just because your law school isn’t ranked, it doesn’t mean you can’t dream big. Case in point: one of this year’s Skadden Fellows will graduate from John Marshall (Chicago) this spring. [National Law Journal] * Reema Bajaj, the attorney who pleaded guilty to a prostitution charge, decided that she wasn’t in the mood to ride this Johnson any longer. Like her panties, the case has been dropped. [Daily Chronicle]


Congratulations to the 2012 Skadden Fellows

It's time for celebration of a different sort -- time to celebrate, and congratulate, the latest class of Skadden Fellows. The winners of these prestigious public interest fellowships were just announced, as they are every December. Who are the Skadden fellows for 2012? Which law schools produced the most fellows? And what's different about this year's program compared to past years?